how is the proper way to disable the automagic pubkey retrieval in rpm-4.4.x ?
1; this seems not to work # grep -ir key /etc/rpm/ # # rpm -qa -D '_hkp_keyserver %{unknown_macro}' [...sometimes slow...]
2; this seems to be ok # echo "%_hkp_keyserver %{unknown_macro}" >>/etc/rpm/macros.keyserver # grep -ir key /etc/rpm/ /etc/rpm/macros.keyserver:%_hkp_keyserver %{unknown_macro} # rpm -qa [...fast..] # rpm -qa rpm* rpm-libs-4.4.1-2 rpm-4.4.1-2 rpm-python-4.4.1-2 rpm-build-4.4.1-2 rpm-devel-4.4.1-2
3; are there other ways/plans ? eg. /etc/sysconfig/rpm
-------- https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/pipermail/rpm-devel/2004-November/000146.html
<snip> The automagic HKP pubkey retrieve is enabled ny default in rpm configuration.
On the negative side, I strongly suggest that you use "rpm --import" to install public keys in /var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys, as there is no attempt to cache (or automagically import) retrieved public keys, each key will be retrieved when needed.[...]
There are a number of other things that need doing before addressing the rpm -qa retrieve performance, so either disable the automagic pubkey retrieve by commeting out #%_hkp_keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu #%_hkp_keyserver_query %{_hkp_keyserver}/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x or (equivalently) by adding -D '_hkp_keyserver %{unknown_macro}' </snip>
https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2005-February/msg00342.html <snip>
Repeat the test with the following and report the times: rpm -qa openoffice.org2* rpm --nosignatures -qa | grep openoffice.org2
Create /etc/rpm/macros.test with the line: %_hkp_keyserver %{unknown_macro}
</snip> ----/----