On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 2:58 PM Kamil Paral <kparal@redhat.com> wrote:
Note: In point 2), we don't actually need 10 different test cases (templated or not). We might just create Testcase_desktop_app_single instead of those 10 and differentiate them on the matrix level the same way as we do with e.g. "Testcase_Anaconda_save_traceback_to_bugzilla" [1]. So like this:
Testcase_desktop_app_single (web browser)
Testcase_desktop_app_single (file manager)
I don't know if it complicates OpenQA results submission, though.

We actually do it even in the "Default boot and install" matrix [2], all those rows use the same testcase "Testcase_Boot_default_install", just the hyperlink is named differently.

[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_32_Beta_1.2_Installation#Default_boot_and_install