German Language was possible wth Fedora 18 Beta, I am just downloading the DVD, so I can Install Fedora 18 LXDE on my old computer, I will try.

-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: Andreas Assmann <>
An: test <>
Verschickt: Mo, 11 Feb 2013 11:11 am
Betreff: Fedora17-LXDE / Fedora18-LXDE / Language

After installing Fedora17-LXDE - be it on a hard disk or a USB-stick - I can easily change the language (e.g. from "American English" to "German") by clicking on "Start > Administration > Language".

Obviously, this possibility does not exist any more in Fedora18-LXDE. In any case I cannot find it. Or has it been "forgotten"? I can't imagine that. Please give me a hint. Thanks in advance for your answer.
