I am a little confused. I was trying to run Fedora ARM on a VM using this article: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Virt_ARM_on_x86
However, each time I run the virtual machine the boot process ends with "dracut-initqueue-timeout".

I tried
  • Fedora Workstation 30 ARM on Fedora 30.
  • Fedora Minimal 30 on Fedora 30.
  • Fedora Minimal 29 on Fedora 30.
  • Fedora Minimal 30 on Fedora 29.
  • Fedora Minimal 29 on Fedora 29.
The same situation happend in all attempts, the minimal images were able to reach "Basic System Level", Workstation fell a way too earlier.

Have you seen it before? Have you run Fedora ARM on a VM successfully? How did you do it?
Thanks for your help.


Lukáš Růžička


Red Hat

Purkyňova 115

612 45 Brno - Královo Pole
