On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 5:53 PM pmkellly@frontier.com <pmkellly@frontier.com> wrote:
I thought the best way to see if the install went well was to see if the
application would start and close.

I think the major difference is that you keep thinking in terms of applications (icons in menus, open and close), while I think of this test case in terms of packages (verify with rpm, whether it can start or whether there's even a binary included is not relevant). That's why I kept asking whether you'd like to create a test case tailored to GUI installation workflows (and looking at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Desktop_Test , it seems we don't even have one, because what we usually do is to thoughtlessly perform some of those extra graphical steps, like opening an application, on top of the vague "package install/remove" test case - which is certainly something that can be improved in the description of one of those places).