Wlan connection to a hidden network with the running system is ok now. Was my fault, I used the wrong menue. But I don't know how to connect during installation.

>-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
>Von: Joerg Lechner <julechner@aol.com>
>An: test <test@lists.fedoraproject.org>
>Verschickt: Mi, 6 Feb 2013 7:28 am
>Betreff: problems adding hidden wlan

>I am starting again with testing Fedora 18, due to personal reasons I had to stop 2 month ago. For personal introduction: I have been using >privately for a long time Redhat and afterwards Fedora, I am now pensioneer, I didn't test Fedora before Fedora 18.

>New installation of Fedora 18 64bit on a Samsung X22 Laptop, via Live CD, download 2 days ago from the Fedora website. First problem, >during installation there was asked for a network. I could not find the entry for a hidden Wlan. After the successful installation I went to >"Netzwerkverbindungen" (I am Austrian, German language), also there I didn't find an entry for a hidden wlan network. Has anyone an idea, >how I can connect to a hidden network?