What is the recommended client?

On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 3:03 AM Adam Williamson <adamwill@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
# Fedora Quality Assurance Meeting
# Date: 2023-12-11
# Time: 16:00 UTC
# Location: https://matrix.to/#/#meeting:fedoraproject.org

Greetings testers! It's time for the last QA meeting of the year!

We're going to try moving back to Fedora Chat (Matrix) for this
meeting, as the bot should be working there now. Remember, the IRC
bridge is out of commission, so you'll really have to be on Matrix to
join the meeting. You can log in with your Fedora account.

If anyone has any other items for the agenda, please reply to this
email and suggest them! Thanks.

== Proposed Agenda Topics ==

1. Previous meeting follow-up
2. Fedora 40 check-in
3. Communications overhaul: Discourse and Matrix?
4. Test Day / community event status
5. Open floor
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
Fedora Chat: @adamwill:fedora.im | Mastodon: @adamw@fosstodon.org

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