On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 7:26 PM Ben Cotton <bcotton@redhat.com> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 4:22 PM Paul Whalen <pwhalen@redhat.com> wrote:
> Proposed changes to the Desktop release criteria for ARM and AArch64 in Fedora 32:
>  * drop Xfce on 32-bit ARM from release blocking desktops
>  * add Workstation on AArch64 to release blocking desktops
Program Management is okay with this proposal, but ideally I'd like to
see it go through the self-contained change process. Any chance you'd
be okay with holding this until F33? In either case, FESCo will need
to approve it, but it has my support.

Because there's no development to do, it's just a change in the blocking deliverables list, I think we can do it right away. Peter, Paul, can you please file a FESCo ticket?