#93: Review options to reward key QA contributors --------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: jlaska | Owner: jlaska Type: enhancement | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 14 Component: Wiki | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: retrospective --------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Comment (by jlaska):
This is a large task ... and I haven't done a great job of actively updating this ticket with progress. The bad news is that I don't have tons of time to develop scripts and automation to support this task. The good news though, is that there are some rough tools to get a basic idea.
My current understanding of the Fedora QA metrics landscape is listed below. Anyone is welcome to grab a topic and expand/correct as needed.
1. '''Lists''' - The [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EKG EKG] project is pretty straight forward. It scrubs the mailing lists and provides information on the list contributors. I'd love to adjust this a bit, first into something I'm more comfortable with (python), and second to adjust the output slightly. Perhaps listing top 15 contributors, then top 15 contributor domains. Finally, maybe also listing top 15 most active threads? Anyone interested in helping? * Next steps ... adjust the EKG reporting to break down the contributors according to the criteria above. 2. For '''wiki''' contributions, I [http://jlaska.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/fedora-qa-special-thanks/ blogged] about a way to scrub text out of our wiki test matrices. Since then, I've also discovered that mediawiki as an API that can be used to query for additional data. I've written a few sample scripts that grab data from the fedoraproject.org wike (thanks to [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=654007 python- simplemediawiki] and [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API the mediawiki API docs]). * Next steps ... I did find a limitation with some of the API. I'd like to ask mediawiki for a list of recent contributors in different namespaces (e.g. QA:, Test_Results: etc...). Unfortunately, the mediawiki method (see [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Query_-_Lists#recentchanges_.2F_rc recentchanges]) only provides the last 500 wiki changes. We'd need to lobby for increasing the default configuration value to record more than the previous 500, and likely implementing some local EKG-like caching of data for later review. 3. '''Bugzilla''' ... I have some old scripts I use to provide data about how many bugs are reported, VERIFIED, CLOSED. I'd love to extend this to provide another top-15 list of most active components, most active triagers, most active reporters, most duplicated bugs. Some of this information already exists, or is presented by bugzilla. So it may just be a matter of directing folks to the right places. * Next steps ... My scripts currently rely on direct database access to bugzilla. That won't fly for folks outside the firewall. Some of what I'm doing will need to be explored using [https://fedorahosted.org/python- bugzilla/ python-bugzilla]. Again, anyone interested? I'll be happy to provide the outline of the data I'm grabbing now. 4. '''Bodhi''' ... I have no way to discover+recognize who our most active proventesters are. This needs to be addressed. * Next steps ... I understand that the next major release of bodhi will have support for extracting this type of information. Is there a staging instance we can explore the query options against now? Is the upcoming support available for review? 5. '''TRAC''' ... I don't currently keep track of TRAC contributions. I'm aware there is a tool called [https://fedorahosted.org/offtrac/ offtrac] that can query a TRAC instance for details. * Next steps ... more exploration using [https://fedorahosted.org/offtrac/ offtrac] is needed.