Hi there,

I hit a nasty bug with regards to OpenJDK 7 and GTK file requesters. Currently the Sun Bugparade datase is having hiccups and it cannot display bug reports (nevertheless it accepted my bug report and assigned it a bug#).

Despite this, I think I may have found a "way too similar" bug report on Bugparade wrt OpenJDK and GTK file requesters that -while I cannot see its contents right now- might be exactly the bug I hit.

It apparently has been fixed as per Java 7u4 by Oracle.

My question is: what are the chances of getting OpenJDK 1.7.0 updated to the J7u4 level?.

I did yum update java-1.7.0-openjdk* but it tells me there's nothing to update.
This openjdk bug is a show stopper for me as it prevents one particular Java app I use daily from working. Clicking on any file on a GTK file requester gives me a thread null pointer exception.

Exception in thread "Thread-7" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at sun.awt.X11.GtkFileDialogPeer.setFileInternal(GtkFileDialogPeer.java:79)
    at sun.awt.X11.GtkFileDialogPeer.run(Native Method)
    at sun.awt.X11.GtkFileDialogPeer.showNativeDialog(GtkFileDialogPeer.java:166)
    at sun.awt.X11.GtkFileDialogPeer.access$000(GtkFileDialogPeer.java:39)
    at sun.awt.X11.GtkFileDialogPeer$1.run(GtkFileDialogPeer.java:108)