On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 5:18 AM, Joachim Backes <joachim.backes@rhrk.uni-kl.de> wrote:
On 03/14/2012 09:14 AM, Joachim Backes wrote:

Sorry, I meant F17 and not F14. Typo!

> Hi,
> the most recent F17 updates to clutter-1.9.14-1.fc17,
> mutter-3.3.90-2.fc17 and gnome-shell-3.3.90-2.fc17 breag the
> gnome-desktop: no more top bar, no window manager funtionality.
> I could get rid from this by downgrading these three packages.
> Xfce still operates flawlessly :-)
> Anybody sees this too?
> Kind regards
> Joachim Backes <joachim.backes@rhrk.uni-kl.de>
> http://www.rhrk.uni-kl.de/~backes

Joachim Backes <joachim.backes@rhrk.uni-kl.de>


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Hi, i am using fedora 17 and these updates (clutter, gnome-shell) cant be updated because some cogl deps problem (wich is part of my update). I hope this help debug the problem (yum may have overlook something).

Good Luck, Ruy