I like it!

Geoff Marr
IRC: coremodule

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 10:09 AM Lukas Ruzicka <lruzicka@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello friends of Fedora,

I would like to thank you for your reactions to the first draft of the dual monitor criterion. There were lots of remarks and suggestions, and I would like to present the second draft of the criterion. I have really tried to formulate it on a rather permissive basis

The criterion:
On computers with a possibility to connect an external monitor (e.g. two monitors on a desktop and one external monitor on a laptop), the video is correctly shown on both monitors. However, due to a wide range of possible hardware configurations, any problem related to this criterion will be regarded as a "conditional blocker" (as described in [1]) only.

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Blocker_Bug_FAQ#What_about_hardware_and_local_configuration_dependent_issues.3F

It is a very hardware, time, and manpower demanding thing to test all possible combinations and we cannot guarantee enough resources to get the coverage needed for this. However, we do not want to let possible bugs in this area go unnoticed and get lost somewhere in bug trackers. Therefore, we (the Fedora QA) would like to know about any problem that might arise regarding this topic. Each proposed bug will be discussed in the Blocker Review Meeting and its impact on the users will be analyzed. Based on that discussion, the blocker bug status will be confirmed or rejected.

Please let me know, if you are ok with this sounding.


Lukáš Růžička


Red Hat

Purkyňova 115

612 45 Brno - Královo Pole


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