On Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 2:58 PM pmkellly@frontier.com <pmkellly@frontier.com> wrote:
First!... Happy New Year Everyone. I hope you all had Great holidays.

While running tests on Fedora 34 Rawhide 20210102.n.0, I saw a problem
that has been present for about a year now. If it's considered a but, I
am at a loss to understand what category to put it in.

When running test case QA:Testcase base update cli, it used to be that
there was a single file (something not essential as I recall) that would
be found so you could watch the update run and judge if it went okay.
Such a file no longer seem to be available (as I said for a long time
now) The only result obtained is (complete nothing to do). Is this
intentional or did that just get lost somehow?

If your system is fully up-to-date, there is of course nothing to update. Try again the next day (or the next day), there will be some updates. Or if you want to test it *right now*, you can downgrade some unimportant package (like htop) to a previous version - that's easier on stable Fedora with main+updates+updates-testing repos, but you can do it even on Rawhide by manually downloading an older package version from Koji.

As a side note, the command used in the test case is "dnf update". As I
recall "update" was deprecated in favor of "upgrade". However, I see
that "update" still works though it doesn't appear to be in the man
pages anymore. Shall I prepare an update to the test case or did I miss

Both 'update' and 'upgrade' keywords are supported and work the same way.