On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 7:53 AM, Chris Lumens <clumens@redhat.com> wrote:
> It seems like it's working, but then when I tell it to do a hard drive
> install and where the install image directory is, it says it can't find it.
> I hit Alt-F[2-7] and found a message implying it was looking for a
> file named install.img in the install image directory.  But I'm sure
> I've never put a file named install.img in that directory.  Do I need
> to rename Fedora-10-Beta-i386-DVD.iso to install.img?  With older
> releases, hard drive installs automagically found the iso file.

From https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=464836:

No, it doesn't need to be renamed.  What you need to do is either:

(1) Grab the install.img from within the ISO image or from the download
site, and place it into an images/ directory at the same level as your
ISO images; or
Thanks for the quick response.

I tried this and changed from askmethod to repo=hd:sda7/f10 .

Now I get a segfault.

loader received SIGSEGV! Backtrace:
/sbin/loader (loader SegvHandler+0xa0) [0x804fd20]