On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 5:53 AM, Bob Lightfoot <boblfoot@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Team:
   When running dnf check-update --refresh and comparing to yum
check-update I've noticed that if the same package occurs in multiple
repos {aka. local and remote repos for example} that dnf will list all
packages while yum will list only the package from the repo which
would be used for update.  I'm not sure if this is as desired in dnf
or just plain cornfusing.  Just wanted to point out this is one more
ideosyncrosity of dnf.

dnf check-update lists available updates from the enabled repositories, and if the same update is available from multiple repos it will be shown twice

check-update is not the same as the resulting transaction of a dnf update.

I does exactly what the man page says it does


and please if your think something is a bug, then make a bugzilla repost, fdl is not a bugtracker.
