> From: Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com>

> This is probably a terrible time to try preupgrade. It gets no major
> love until Beta, usually. If your goal is a working install of F18, your
> best option at present is a yum update from F17, following the
> directions at
> Upgrading_Fedora_using_yum#Fedora_17_-.3E_Fedora_18 .

Oh, well that would be easier for me since it stays more in my familiar realm.  (Preupgrade looks neat, but my norm is fresh installs + puppet.)  Should this wisdom (both waiting until Beta and that link) be incorporated into https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/Branched#Yum_update_from_previous_official_release ?

> Or you can
> wait a week or two and get the Alpha release when it comes out.

If I have to I will, but where's the fun in that?  ;-)

> > I grabbed a copy of
> >
http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/releases.txt and didn't see any
> > mention of "Fedora 18 (Branched)" as indicated on the Wiki.  I edited
> > this copy to include my own  "Fedora 18 (Branched)" section that
> > referenced my local mirror and then got much further.
> It's probably a little early post-F18 for all this to be in place, but
> releases.txt does need updating.

Nice to know, thanks.  I'm having lots of fun seeing what it takes to get Fedora out the door since I'm making my own derived Live spins for internal company use on embedded systems.  I face many of the same challenges.

John Florian
Machine Data Collections Team