I wrote:
On 10/27/2011 08:08 AM, Nikola Pajkovsky wrote:
$ service abrt-ccpp restart
Didn't fix the problem. Still nothing happens when GnuCash crashes (a crash which I can reproduce at will, so it's an easy test case).
Actually, I take that back, I think restarting did fix the problem. It's just that I was using a new GnuCash RPM I built myself that wasn't signed, so abrt refused to process the dump for it:

Oct 27 08:40:21 jik2 abrt[3430]: saved core dump of pid 3307 (/usr/bin/gnucash) to /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2011-10-27-08:40:20-3307 (107794432 bytes)
Oct 27 08:40:21 jik2 abrtd: Directory 'ccpp-2011-10-27-08:40:20-3307' creation detected
Oct 27 08:40:22 jik2 abrtd: Package 'gnucash' isn't signed with proper key
Oct 27 08:40:22 jik2 abrtd: Corrupted or bad dump /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2011-10-27-08:40:20-3307 (res:2), deleting

Also, it appears that the abrt-ccpp service wasn't enabled, and I suspect that's the problem I'm seeing. I just ran "systemctl enable abrt-ccpp.service" to fix that issue. Shouldn't it have been enabled by default? I certainly never knowingly disabled it.
