
I just hooked up my printer and I can't get to the configuration web page...

This is what I get my the error_log...

[root@CaptainHook ~]# cd /var/log/cups
[root@CaptainHook cups]# tail -f error_log
W [15/Feb/2011:04:18:27 +0000] No SubscriptionPrivateValues defined in policy default - using defaults.
W [15/Feb/2011:04:18:27 +0000] No limit for Cancel-Jobs defined in policy authenticated - using Pause-Printer's policy.
W [15/Feb/2011:04:18:27 +0000] No limit for Cancel-My-Jobs defined in policy authenticated - using Send-Document's policy.
W [15/Feb/2011:04:18:27 +0000] No limit for Close-Job defined in policy authenticated - using Send-Document's policy.
W [15/Feb/2011:04:18:27 +0000] No JobPrivateAccess defined in policy authenticated - using defaults.
W [15/Feb/2011:04:18:27 +0000] No JobPrivateValues defined in policy authenticated - using defaults.
W [15/Feb/2011:04:18:27 +0000] No SubscriptionPrivateAccess defined in policy authenticated - using defaults.
W [15/Feb/2011:04:18:27 +0000] No SubscriptionPrivateValues defined in policy authenticated - using defaults.
E [15/Feb/2011:04:18:27 +0000] Unable to bind socket for address - Address already in use.
E [15/Feb/2011:04:18:27 +0000] Unable to bind broadcast socket - Address already in use.

Is anyone else having the same issues or is there anything that I can do to solve this?

Sincerely yours,
Rob G. Healey