On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 10:00 PM Adam Williamson <adamwill@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
The criterion as written refers to "repositories", which really is
talking about direct repo URLs, not mirrorlists *or* metalinks.

That was a distinction that I completely missed. Not important for this proposal, but good to clarify.

openQA tests direct HTTPS repository, direct NFS repository, and HTTPS
mirrorlist; it doesn't test metalink (which is why it didn't catch the
bug Kamil filed), IIRC because metalink can be flaky if it gets the
repo data from a slow server or something. It doesn't test FTP either.

I think we could possibly do any or all of the following:

1) As Kamil proposes, change HTTP to HTTP(S)

2) Drop FTP (I don't think we really need to support it any more)

Do you mean dropping FTP support completely from all criteria? Then this would also need a clarification:
to specifically mention that FTP is not included (because it still *is* supported by anaconda, right?). Perhaps a topic for a separate discussion? I don't have strong feelings here.

If you mean dropping FTP support from the Basic and Beta criteria I mentioned in my proposal, but keeping the Final criterion intact (for now), I'd be definitely in favor of that change, especially after hearing that our infra dropped FTP support some time ago.
3) Specifically cover metalink and mirrorlist sources

It's already covered by the Final criterion mentioned above, I believe.