On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 8:38 PM Sumantro Mukherjee <sumukher@redhat.com> wrote:
Hey All,

Now that we have the F27 Modular Server Beta, It will be great to have the test cases.
I've started writing them, I would like to have the feedback and thoughts on them.
I have mostly used dnf module --help as a base to derive the these. If something is
missing, I would love to draft them too, just let me know.

[1] Listing all modules: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sumantrom/Draft/FMS_module_list

Looks good, though we should probably add a set of modules that *must* be enabled/disabled on the default install. It doesn't need to address all possible modules in the list, but we should have a minimum set that must be correct.

[2] Enabling & Disabling modules: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sumantrom/Draft/FMS_enable_disable_module

This test doesn't actually validate that the enable/disable correctly happened. At minimum, the results should be tested by repeating [1] and confirming that the values have changed. At best, we should have a set of packages known to install or fail to install that we use to prove the state.

[3] Install & Update : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sumantrom/Draft/dnf_install_remove_update_module

This page looks reasonable, but there are numerous typographical errors (including some in the commands) that should be corrected.

It should also add a test for switching streams (e.g. verify that one can install nodejs-8 and then switch it to nodejs-6).

[4] Module Info : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sumantrom/Draft/dnf_module_info

This set of test cases needs to have a set of success conditions defined. "It displays some text" isn't good enough for blocker criteria.


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