> > > From: Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com>
> >
> > > This is probably a terrible time to try preupgrade. It gets no major
> > > love until Beta, usually. If your goal is a working install of F18,
> > your
> > > best option at present is a yum update from F17, following the
> > > directions at
> > >
> > > Upgrading_Fedora_using_yum#Fedora_17_-.3E_Fedora_18 .
> >
> > Oh, well that would be easier for me since it stays more in my
> > familiar realm.  (Preupgrade looks neat, but my norm is fresh installs
> > + puppet.)  Should this wisdom (both waiting until Beta and that link)
> > be incorporated into
> >
> Branched#Yum_update_from_previous_official_release?
> Probably not. Actually I should have written that a bit differently:
> it's a *good* thing from a QA perspective that you're trying preupgrade
> now and finding the bugs. We want them found early. It's only a bad
> thing from the point of view that it has about 0% chance of succeeding.
> =) Even if you get the preupgrade bit working, I believe newUI anaconda
> does not actually implement upgrades yet, so there is no chance the
> anaconda bit of the process will work.

> Cool. Let us know if you find any QA process documentation missing - I
> think we cover it pretty well though :)

It is covered pretty well.  For some reason though, when I first sought out pages telling me how to get on rawhide (because 18 hadn't been branched just yet), I never stumbled onto the Upgrading_Fedora_using_yum page.  I mostly got a rawhide box based on intuition, but that page clearly documents some things I hadn't thought about.  My suggestion for incorporating this link into the Releases/Branched page was primarily based on the impression that the former covered that specific topic more thoroughly.  Thus I kind of envisioned something akin to:

Yum update from previous official release
This method is available but generally not recommended. Anaconda can make changes that are outside what the packaging system can normally deal with. You may also run into dependency problems which could take time to untangle. You may also need to upgrade from the immediately previous release (e.g. install Fedora 12, then Fedora 14 Branched, not jump directly from Fedora 12 to Fedora 14 Branched). Be prepared to wipe your system and re-install from scratch if things do not go well.

If you decide to go this route anyway, please see http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Upgrading_Fedora_using_yum

Also, that paragraph is just plain confusing (to me, at least).  After trying to parse it for a while, I think it's trying to say: You may *first* need to upgrade *to* the immediately previous release (e.g. install/upgrade to Fedora *13*, then Fedora 14 Branched, not jump directly from Fedora 12 to Fedora 14 Branched).

John Florian
Machine Data Collections Team