
My name is Sayak Sarkar and I am a Senior Software Engineer working at the Red Hat Pune office. Recently, I attended Devconf where I met Sumantro at the Fedora booth. We ended up having a pretty interesting conversation about Fedora QA in general, how Fedora tests are performed, Fedora Test Days and how I can start contributing to the Fedora QA process. Being a long time Fedora user and an Open Source contributor I'm quite interested in participating in Test Days and contributing to the overall Fedora QA community in general.

Being a past Fedora contributor (I was on a hiatus during the past few years), I already have a FAS account (CLA signed) and my FAS ID is sayaksarkar. Can someone here please help me get started with Test Days?

Sayak Sarkar

Homepage: http://sayak.in
About Me:  http://about.me/sayak_sarkar
Twitter:       http://twitter.com/sayak_sarkar
Blog:          http://sayaksarkar.wordpress.com