2011/2/19 Christoph Frieben <christoph.frieben@googlemail.com>
2011/2/19 cornel panceac:
> i know somebody mentioned it before but it's not clear to me: how can i move
> from rawhide (f15) to f15 (and not to f16) and, how can i downgrade from
> rawhide (f16) to f15?



from ../updates/testing/15/.. and install them e.g. by excuting 'rpm
-U --force fedora-release-15-0.7.noarch.rpm
If you have already installed some package with an fc16 tag, you have
to downgrade them individually to their fc15 counterpart or you leave
them as they are and wait for an F15 update with a higher version
number which will replace it. ~C

thank you very much!