Andre Robatino ( said:
The package set on the DVD is currently chosen to allow essentially everything to be installed at once (with transient exceptions such as samba3/4), hence the repoclosure and file conflicts tests. If the installer itself is going to make this difficult (kickstart? I've never had to use that) or impossible, then these tests should be modified accordingly. Or maybe the DVD could be split into multiple versions, one for each desktop. Or the DVD could be done away with entirely. If we intend to go down this path (and I personally hope not) I think these issues should be resolved *before* the installer is changed to make it hard to use the DVD the way it's currently designed to be used, especially if it's not being done to simplify the installer code, or to prevent users from doing something that's clearly wrong (since lots of applications are targeted to one desktop but are useful on others), but purely for coercive purposes (similar to Gnome Shell and no obvious Power Off option).
The DVD isn't designed to be used at all. That's the problem.
It offers you a list of groups, and expects you to put them together into a coherent OS. This doesn't really work unless you have some idea of how they function already.
The point of this is exactly that - to prevent the user doing something silly like trying to install GNOME but forgetting the X server and fonts.