I am trying to make netinstall from
Fedora-Server-netinst-x86_64-21_Alpha on two PC. One is HP Compaq DC5850
with AMD Athlon P5200B and the other is Dell Dimension 3100 with Intel
Celeron 3.06 GHz.
I downloaded Fedora-Server-netinst-x86_64-21_Alpha.iso and run sha256sum
with OK results. Then burned a CD with K3b.
When I tryed to boot the CD on HP Compaq DC5850 it just restart again
and again (looping). On the Dell Dimension 3100 it just stoped displaying:
There was no problem making netinstall on VM in KVM/qemu.
So the question is what can be wrong?
I will burn Fedora-Server-DVD-x86_64-21_Alpha.iso on DVD and see if I
can install F21-Alpha from thw DVD.
Jon Ingason