A number of interesting things broke/fixed themselves today in F16. But
first a bit of history.
GDM has not been working for me for a couple of weeks at this point,
about 70% of the time I can't login when clicking on my user name (after
entering my password I will hit enter and nothing happens), about 30% of
the time I can. I can always login using the "Not listed?" option and
manually entering/selecting.
On a whim today, I started wondering if the fingerprint reader had
anything to do with the problem. I mean, most folks aren't experiencing
this problem, most folks don't have fingerprint readers, so hey maybe. I
went into GNOME and enrolled my fingerprint. Well sweet deal, I was now
able to login via GDM 100% of the time, either by entering my password,
or by using my fingerprint. Only problem is, if I use my password to
login, I get kicked out after about 30 seconds, everything resets and I
am back to GDM (this is in KDE I haven't tried GNOME, maybe the
experience is different). With my fingerprint things are fine and the
desktop remains up.
So I go in with my fingerprint to see what is happening, and I run a
sudo command (really slick the fingerprint auth with sudo, kudos),
trouble is it tells me I am not in the sudoers file. Well that is odd it
used to work. My sudoers is based off of group membership, a member in
wheel gets sudo access if not then no.
My sudoers:
%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
My group file:
erinn@thin-mint ~ $ getent group wheel
My id:
erinn@thin-mint ~ $ id
uid=1000(erinn) gid=1000(erinn) groups=1000(erinn)
Very strange, I don't pretend to understand all of this dual stack PAM
stuff (or even single stack PAM for that matter), but it looks like
there are definitely some issues in there (at a guess). Those issues may
or may not be related, I am unsure at this point.
I am going to file a couple of bug reports, but the above is just for
folks information. Also let me know if you have any ideas.