I successfully installed Fedora 64 on a system comprised of the
Tyan S2882 Thunder K8S Pro Motherboard w/ IDE, SATA, SCSI, RAID
Dual Opteron 240 chips
2 GB Ram
160 GB Maxtor IDE HD
Sony DVD+-RW
Creative Sound Blaster Live
GFORCE FX 5200 PCI dual vga video
Epson Printer
Casio Digital Camera
To start with, I burned the three iso's to cds...
The install was pretty smooth, although on reboot it seemed to hang on
enabling swap space. I booted into my 32-bit install on a separate
partition, edited /etc/inittab to boot into init 3, and remarkably this
cured the problem.
Setting up X using nvidia's drivers was no problem. Sound took nothing
special at all. The printer and digital camera were both recognized,
and while I haven't used the printer yet, I was able to easily mount the
camera and get pictures off.
So far I have had no problems, other than having to compile xmms and
mplayer from source. After that was done, they both work well. I have
yet to get gaim-encryption successfully working, but maybe if I do a
recompile of gaim and gaim-encryption, perhaps it will work.
Thus far I've been very happy as either RPMs or SRPMs are usually
available making it easy. A few hiccups occured on some SRPMs for some
packages I was just trying out (can't really even remember what the
software was), so I downloaded the source and it seemed to work. I
believe for one kde application I had to create a link in /usr/lib to
one of the libraries in /usr/lib64/...
I guess if I had any complaints right now it would be the lack of
repositories for yum, but its understandable as this isn't even a stable
release yet. I also hope vmware produces a workstation release that
works in 64-bit mode, as I know they have started working on it and are
in either alpha or beta stage.
I have had no lock-ups or crashes, and everything is smooth.
Feel free to ask any questions about the hardware, the software or
anything else related to my use of fedora 64.