On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:47 AM, Arun SAG <sagarun@gmail.com> wrote:

>I am testing the localized Tamil remix of Fedora. I have chosen the default language as Tamil. Only >the components which are part of Fedora project or showing up in Tamil (like anaconda installer, First >time boot manager etc). I cannot see KDE4 in Tamil. Is there any specialized package i need to >install apart from group @tamil-support to enable tamil in KDE4.

KDE4 localization package is not included in @tamil-support group. Currently i am checking out translations from http://l10n.kde.org/team-infos.php?teamcode=ta and trying to package it for Fedora. Hope everything works out well. Got any idea on state of tamil translations of KDE4 on Fedora? 

Arun S.A.G