If you didn't tried that already you can try to run the application launcher manually

rofi -terminal 'foot' -show combi -combi-modes drun

You can find more info in /etc/sway/config, however if you already have your configuration which is stored in ~/.config/sway/config than the /etc/sway/config is not used and you need to add your binding to your configuration.

Best Regards,

24. května 2023 22:26:38 SELČ, Philip Rhoades <phil@pricom.com.au> napsal:

On 2023-05-25 06:11, jiri.konec@pacse.eu wrote:

yes, that means no error was raised.

OK - thanks - so I understood correctly . .

I wonder, after reading your question again I see that you complain
that it doesn't work at the top of the screen. What that means
exactly. Does that mean that other than when you have cursor at the
top it works fine and what exactly is the "top"?

Before the fresh install, after I used "Win-d", a command-line would appear at the top of the screen on a line under the WayBar virtual desktops - with a string of commands following - and, as I typed eg "kcalc", the number of command strings would decrease until only "kcalc" remained in the list ie, if the command became unique enough, say with "kca", you could then just hit ENTER to execute the command.

Does that make sense?



Best Regards,

24.05.2023 20:13 CEST Philip Rhoades <phil@pricom.com.au> napsal(a):


On 2023-05-23 02:02, Jiří Konečný wrote:
I would expect that you have an issue with a launcher. Could you
please check journal for error messages?

Thanks for responding! I did:

journalctl > t[1 or 2]

before and after doing:


but there was no diff between t1 and t2.

- is that what you meant me to check?



20. května 2023 11:47:23 SELČ, Philip Rhoades <phil@pricom.com.au>


I have been using Sway for a quite a while now via a KDE Live
install but when I did a clean install recently from the new Live
Sway ISO, generally everything went pretty well - except now the
Win-d hot key does not allow me type a command at the top of screen.
I presume there is a way to turn this on but it should be on by



Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra NSW 2794
E-mail: phil@pricom.com.au
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