On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 1:52 AM, nuocu <nuocu@refuge.cassiopeia.uberspace.de> wrote:
Hello all,

I am thinking of applying for summer of code and would be interested in implementing the AUR clone.
However I have a few questions:

(0) Some supposed projects of summer of code come with estimated difficulty levels. How hard/easy would you consider this one ?

(1) Would it be alright to use checkinstall for generating the packages after compiling ?

(2) Could you provide a rough estimation on how much background knowledge on the package management in fedora is needed ? I am asking this, because I use arch linux, so I know the AUR, but I am not really deep into fedora yet.

(3) I am not studying in the US, so my schedule for University and exams might (and surely will) be different from the US defaults - is that a problem?


summer-coding mailing list


The page holds some ideas proposed through out the years, so it is good if you start contacting mentor for that idea first.

For question 3, yes you can apply if you are really able to manage university work + GSoC project work, given that there should be a minimal commitment of 40 hours per week for GSoC project. 

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera (bckurera)