I'm trying to use this wsdl service: http://mentors.debian.net/soap.wsdl
I've turned on logging, and it seems to be able to fetch the appropriate soap response from the server, but once it finishes fetching the data, I get a suds.TypeNotFound error. Here's a code snippet that demonstrates the problem:
$ import suds $ client = suds.client.Client('http://mentors.debian.net/soap.wsdl%27,location=%27http://mentors.debian.net...') $ client.service.packages() [...] suds.TypeNotFound: Type not found:'(string,debexpo.controllers.soap.DebexpoService, )'
I've tried following the schema fixing doc, but that didn't seem to help: https://fedorahosted.org/suds/wiki/Documentation#FIXINGBROKENSCHEMAs
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong is greatly appreciated.
Please CC me on responses as I'm not subscribed to this list.
Thanks, Mike