Hi All, I use soaplib (http://trac.optio.webfactional.com/wiki/soaplib) to generate wsdl from server side. I've a simple service that exposes the method 'test': it takes no argument and returns an Array of String.
I attach the generated wsdl. No problem with java/Axis and Groovy/CXF, while with suds (trunk 0.2.2) I have the following problem:
service = serviceproxy.ServiceProxy('http://mynos:7780/wsdl') print service
service (HelloWorldService) prefixes: ns0 = "HelloWorldService.HelloWorldService" methods: test() types: testResponse stringArray test
2008-06-25 11:41:04,708 [ERROR] __find() @resolver.py:203 (@type) not-found
2008-06-25 11:41:04,708 [WARNING] append_attr() @unmarshaller.py:383 attribute (type) type, not-found
2008-06-25 11:41:04,713 [ERROR] __find() @resolver.py:203 (@type) not-found
2008-06-25 11:41:04,713 [WARNING] append_attr() @unmarshaller.py:383 attribute (type) type, not-found
2008-06-25 11:41:04,714 [ERROR] __find() @resolver.py:203 (@type) not-found
2008-06-25 11:41:04,715 [WARNING] append_attr() @unmarshaller.py:383 attribute (type) type, not-found
(retval){ _type = (tns:stringArray) string[] = {_type = xs:string, }, {_type = xs:string, }, }
Any idea? Thanks a lot in advance!!!