Hello! I'm running into a problem with Exchange Web Services where the wrapper element for a method invocation has a mandatory attribute that I can't figure out how to twiddle with suds.
More concretely, I'm trying to make a web services call that looks like:
SOAP-ENV:Body <ns1:FindItem Traversal="shallow"> ... child elements .... </ns1:FindItem> </SOAP-ENV:Body>
and I can't figure out how to make suds generate the xml right. In particular, getCalendarView = client.service.FindItem(_Traversal='shallow', ...) does not work.
This looks like an awful lot like ticket 21 (https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ticket/21). I went back into the changelogs and dove into the source a bit since it was suggested that there had been a feature enhancement to cover this since; I didn't see anything promising. suds.bindings.document.Document.param_defs doesn't return any of the wrapper-element attributes, so it doesn't look like there's any opportunity for anything upstream of that to affect them.
Is there syntax for this that I'm missing somewhere? This might also be related to the problem Ceser wrote about a few days ago.
cheers, tim