Hello... Looking for some help and some wisdom, and potentially a feature request.
Using inject like so works GREAT! I can test so easily. Thank you for __inject
result = client.service,GetReport(reportID,__inject={'reply':self.fakeXMLdata})
And thank you for messagePlugin, because the service I use doesn't treat UTF very well:
client = Client(self.__wsdlurl, plugins=[UnicodeFilter()])
But using both of these together doesn't seem to work - the filter is not run (UnicodeFilter.received()) when I use __inject. The code looks like it's 'skipped'.
I haven't done a huge spelunk into client.py to see exactly what's happening, but it would really be nice if this could work... or maybe I'm missing something?
To test: Set up a messagePlugin that provides the 'received()' method Note that received() is run when you do a request to a soap service.
create some fake XML data, pass it in via __inject - like above Note that received() is NOT RUN.
I should mention that my soap provider is mean and actually charges for every request/reply. So this would be a big money saver if I can get it to work properly.
Otherwise, I'm stuck writing code to test my filters some other way and can't regression test.
Any suggestions? Can someone repeat this behavior?
Suds ( https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ ) version: 0.4 GA build: R699-20100913