Suds 0.3.9 Released! See: for details.
A couple of notes:
* Caching has been rewritten to store pickled objects. Yes, this includes the entire WSDL object structure. I would strongly suggest clearing the cache after upgrading. If you disabled the cache because of SAX parsing problems with damaged cached files, that's been fixed. If you wrote your own cache, beware, the Cache class was moved to and has changed slightly.
* The schema is packaged in suds. So, issues with getting from should be mitigated. If you need suds to get it from the web, simply change the binding as described here:
* The suds builtin Transports were refitted to use !ProxyHandler instead of setting the proxy on the urlib2.Request. This works better and should not have any bad side effects. But, user going through proxies should be aware of this.
On to planning 0.4. I suspect this release will be mostly about catching up on the Ticket backlog. We'll see ...