Apologies if this is an old question; I can't find any searchable list archives, and trawling through the suds code itself hasn't thrown up anything.
I have an app which connects to a soap service at initialisation (it's a slow process), and then infrequently invokes methods on it over the day.
I need to test if my connection is still "alive", since if no method is called for some time, the connection appears to be lost.
So I'm looking for something akin to (this is obviously incomplete):
def connect(self): self.client = Client(url) self.sessionId = self.client.service.StartCallableRunrep(port, db, user, passwd)
def process(self, ...): if not self.client.isAlive(): self.connect() self.client.service.RunRemoteMethod(...)
but I can find nothing equivalent to an isAlive().
I don't really want to run the query, find it's lost connection, then run it again.
Bevis Peters Head of System Development
Reech AiM Partners LLP, Kingsley House, Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0RE,
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Email: Bevis.Peters@reechaim.com
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