On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Jeff Ortel jortel@redhat.com wrote:
Hey Waldemar,
Thanks for you kind comments about suds and for your suggestions.
I have even written my own SOAP client library so I can talk them. It is inspired by your API but it is based on lxml[1] for all the XML wrangling and httplib2[2] for all the request/response/authentication/cookies stuff.
Very cool.
As for lxml, Suds started with lxml and ran into limitations. It's a good lib but lacks tools for dealing with namespaces. Specifically, it's lack of support for prefixes. Given the lack of alternatives, I decided to just write what I needed and be done with it. After all, it was only about a 2 day job.
Yes, I know what you are talking about. The prefixes needed special handling but then again I knew that I am not capable of writing XML parsing library so I stuck with lxml. I found lxml.objectify especially useful for handling the results of SOAP calls.
What do you think about switching the transport to httplib2? It is an extra dependency but it makes http handling easier. Or maybe one could come up with a simple interface and make the transport pluggable?
Yes, I think making the transport pluggable is a good solution. It could ship with a default transport based on urllib2 as is and users can then switch it out for anything they choose without introducing dependencies on the core.
Yes that sounds as a good plan. If you designated a place where contributions can go (wiki?) I could upload what I have got as a recipe. I will tweak it as needed to fit into the plugin architecture. Now the only thing left is to come up with one :-).