Hi Matt,
sorry i send this to matt instead of the mailinglist...
now i have changed my code to this:
def ga(): client = Client('http://ws_mub_prod:8080/BETRWS.wsdl') print client BETRIEB_EING = client.factory.create('ETBSRV2-BETRWS-BETRIEB_EING') BETRIEB_EING.P_KNR_E = "0101010001" result = client.service.BETRWS(BETRIEB_EING=BETRIEB_EING) print result
But i got the same error....
No handlers could be found for logger "suds.umx.typed" Traceback (most recent call last): File "sd.py", line 11, in ? print ga() File "sd.py", line 8, in ga result = client.service.BETRWS(BETRIEB_EING=BETRIEB_EING) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/client.py", line 535, in __call__ return client.invoke(args, kwargs) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/client.py", line 595, in invoke result = self.send(msg) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/client.py", line 624, in send result = self.succeeded(binding, reply.message) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/client.py", line 656, in succeeded r, p = binding.get_reply(self.method, reply) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/bindings/binding.py", line 149, in get_reply result = self.replycomposite(rtypes, nodes) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/bindings/binding.py", line 206, in replycomposite sobject = unmarshaller.process(node, resolved) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/umx/typed.py", line 57, in process return Core.process(self, content) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/umx/core.py", line 48, in process data, result = self.append(content) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/umx/core.py", line 64, in append self.append_children(content) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/umx/core.py", line 141, in append_children cdata, cval = self.append(cont) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/umx/core.py", line 64, in append self.append_children(content) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/umx/core.py", line 141, in append_children cdata, cval = self.append(cont) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/umx/core.py", line 62, in append self.start(content) File "/tmp/sudstest/suds/suds/umx/typed.py", line 71, in start raise TypeNotFound(content.node.qname()) suds.TypeNotFound: Type not found: 'BETRIEB'
i don't find a solution so i stepped in the pdb to look whats going on: Maybe someone can look on this pdb-session. It seems that suds can not find the node "Betrieb" on the parent
-> def find(self, node, resolved=False, push=True): (Pdb) l 313 @param schema: A schema object. 314 @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema} 315 """ 316 TreeResolver.__init__(self, schema) 317 318 -> def find(self, node, resolved=False, push=True): 319 """ 320 @param node: An xml node to be resolved. 321 @type node: L{sax.element.Element} 322 @param resolved: A flag indicating that the fully resolved type should be 323 returned. (Pdb) n
-> name = node.name (Pdb) n
-> parent = self.top().resolved (Pdb) n
-> if parent is None: (Pdb) n
-> result, ancestry = self.getchild(name, parent) (Pdb) n
-> known = self.known(node) (Pdb) result (Pdb) name u'BETRIEB' (Pdb) print str(parent) <Element:0x2acce46c9b48 name="BETRIEB"> Complex:0x2acce46c9cf8 Sequence:0x2acce46c9e18 <Element:0x2acce46c9f80 name="P_KNR" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca170 name="P_NAME-1" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca248 name="P_NAME-2" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca320 name="P_NAME-3" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca3f8 name="P_STRASSE" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca4d0 name="P_HAUSNR" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca5a8 name="P_PLZ" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca680 name="P_ORT" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca758 name="P_BV" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca830 name="P_GEL" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca908 name="P_SACHB" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> <Element:0x2acce46ca9e0 name="P_TEL" type="(u'string', http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" /> </Sequence> </Complex> </Element>
Any ideas?