I have being playing around with suds for a bit and I have not figured out how to get the exceptions that are returned from the web service.
Example of my app is below:
 from suds.client import Client
 from suds import WebFault
 from suds.transport.https import HttpAuthenticated, WindowsHttpAuthenticated
 print "Qualcomm stuff";
 url = "http://kwweb01:8080/SAWebService.asmx?wsdl"
 t = WindowsHttpAuthenticated(username=sys.argv[1], password=sys.argv[2])
 client = Client(url, transport=t, faults=True, cache=None)
 print client;
 result = client.service.GetBuildLocation('Q6695ASCTUUS1170');
 if (str(result) == "soap:Server"):    # Not very good, I should be able to get the exception that is thrown?????????
  print "Did not get results"
  print "Q6695ASCTUUS1170 - %s" %(str(result));
I found that if the service returns a string value and the service throws an exception i can look at the result and it will contain 'soap:Server', but if the service returns void then you can not tell if you have an error or not.
But what I am really trying to figure out, is how do you see what exception the service has thrown.
You may noticed that I am using the WindowsHttpAuthenticated, this is required for access to the server that is running the web services.

Donald W. Long
Email:    Donald.W.Long@thelongsfamily.com
Skype:  Donald.W.Long