Sorry ignore that, it looks like file: relative links aren't really defined, the proper method is to not use file: in schemaLocation, but to use file://<absolute path>/main.wsdl when creating your Client object, just requires you have some code to figure out what the absolute path is.

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 7:58 PM, Christopher Hesse <> wrote:
In version 0.3.9 of suds, the following in a WSDL file:

<xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="file:Basic.xsd" />

fails with an error that it couldn't find "/Basic.xsd"

I think the problem is the two lines in that look like

 '://' not in url:"

I replaced this with 

   "if ':' not in url:"

and it worked for me, though I don't know enough about XML schemas to know if that's legit for everyone.
