Hi Jeff,

At least I will not complain about you not having enough time to work on it and what you express about the tickets. Suds is a great thing and I am thankful for having access to it.

But I guess that what people are expecting to see is something happening with the tickets: closed, rejected, accepted, working on it ...  Example: ticket 21 is still open (someone created it for version 0.2.4 and has target version 0.3.8)

This is your project and very good one, but I would like to use this answer to your message to again propose you to open development to a larger team. Some people may be better with networking code or may bring new ideas or be very good at ticket management.

I do truly think it may help and at any time you may take the project back to a single-person effort if you feel that a larger development team is hindering development or progress of suds.

Best regards



On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 00:09, Jeff Ortel <jortel@redhat.com> wrote:
Hey Eric & Daniel,

Unfortunately, as Daniel explains, I'm the only maintainer and I have (sorry to say)
gotten a bit behind on working tickets.  It's not that the project isn't active or that I
don't care.  It's because of time constraints.  That said, I just reviewed the active
tickets and there seems to be ~100.  Crap, I've really fallen behind.  Every month I
intend to spend more time on suds but ...  Historically, a good number of tickets have to
do with specific services (wsdls, xsds).  Depending on how complex the problem is; how
big/complex the wsdl(s) and xsd(s) are; whether I can run against the service provider -
doing ticket triage can be very time consuming.  Around 10% end up being issues with suds
that are mainstream enough to warrant fixes/enhancements.  Sometimes the case represents
such an abuse of wsdl/xsd/soap that I just have to shake my head and say "no."  Funny,
nobody offers to help triage tickets.

I'm sure it's especially frustrating for those of you who have attached patches with your
tickets.  I can understand your questioning: "hey, I gave you the fix.  Why not just apply
it?"  Or, "why not give me svn commit so I can just fix it."  But, here's the reality.
Most (99%) patches I've reviewed to date could not be applied.  Although they address the
issue(s) experienced by the submitter and are well intentioned, they would significantly
break suds for other users/wsdls/bindings if applied as is.  Sometimes the fix is good but
needs to be expanded to cover the broader use case.  Maybe it fails to address other
bindings or wsdl/xsd/soap constructs.  On the other hand, patches sometimes provide the
perfect fix, great ideas, insight and inspiration.  I REALLY do appreciate them and give
them (when I can) a lot of attention and consideration.  I'm not sure what the answer is.
 I'd like to have a long list of committers but most users disengage after their ticket
is resolved.  Hopefully, you can understand why I can't just open up (svn) commit.  I've
seen nothing to suggest that it would be a good idea.

I'll try to do better going forward.  Perhaps I should at least find a way to flag and
give priority to tickets that include patches.  I /guess/ that's fair.  One more thing,
"The squeaky wheel gets the grease."  Sad, but true.  Feel free to pester me on IRC if
you're not getting enough love.  I'm in the U.S (CST).



On 11/11/2010 08:27 AM, Daniel Rodriguez wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess that Jeff is the only commiter and he seems to be quite busy and
> that's why I believe that patches for bugs/enhancements are not getting
> enough attention (my own patches are also lingering)
> Some months ago I wrote to him asking if he wouldn't consider a more
> open development of suds with participation from others, but to no
> avail. In my opinion that would help suds, but he's the owner of the
> project.
> Best regards
> Daniel
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: Erik Cederstrand
>     Subject: Re: [Fedora-suds-list] Is this list active?
>     I'm not sure if there are other committers than jortel, but it seems
>     interest in tickets and bugs is low. I have three tickets in trac (#21,
>     #323, #332), all with patches, but they have not attracted any attention
>     the last 4 months.
>     [Lars Nordin]
>     Bummer. Thanks for posting patches! Hopefully commit privileges will be
>     extended to others in the future.
>     When I went looking for a SOAP lib, I found suds and pysimplesoap - I
>     tried both but suds could digest the WSDL w/o error, so I went with
>     suds. So far it has worked well and there is decent documentation.
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