
I am trying to do a very simple thing with SUDS but I think I am
missing the obvious (first time I use suds)

I have small program that tries to open a wsdl. When I execute the
program I am getting 'suds.transport.TransportError: HTTP Error 401:

Seems obvious but I specify username and pwd in the

When use IE to go the wsdl, I get a pop-up asking me for the username
and pwd, I enter them, and the wsdl is displayed.

This is my code:
from suds import WebFault
from suds.client import Client
from suds.transport.http import HttpAuthenticated

t = HttpAuthenticated(username='admin', password='admin')

client = Client('http://xxxx.xxx.xx.x:8080/axis2/services/UcmdbService?wsdl', transport=t)

It seems straightforward :(

Any help much appreciated.