
I guess that Jeff is the only commiter and he seems to be quite busy and that's why I believe that patches for bugs/enhancements are not getting enough attention (my own patches are also lingering)

Some months ago I wrote to him asking if he wouldn't consider a more open development of suds with participation from others, but to no avail. In my opinion that would help suds, but he's the owner of the project.

Best regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Cederstrand
Subject: Re: [Fedora-suds-list] Is this list active?

I'm not sure if there are other committers than jortel, but it seems
interest in tickets and bugs is low. I have three tickets in trac (#21,
#323, #332), all with patches, but they have not attracted any attention
the last 4 months.

[Lars Nordin]
Bummer. Thanks for posting patches! Hopefully commit privileges will be
extended to others in the future.

When I went looking for a SOAP lib, I found suds and pysimplesoap - I
tried both but suds could digest the WSDL w/o error, so I went with
suds. So far it has worked well and there is decent documentation.

suds mailing list