Hi Jeff,

Effectively I'm trying to get the cookie from the first client call (to authenticate - CMSNet/Tools/ToolsWS/AuthenticationService.asmx?WSDL ) and try to pass it into next service call (to do basic data lookup - CMSNet/Time/TimeWS/ActionService.asmx?wsdl )

Would caching still be my friend or, as it is against a different client url wouldn't that be possible?

As below, I can get some cookie data from the authenticating service but then it's a question of what to do with it/ how to work with it. I'm told, via the application vendor, that if the services as invoked using .NET frameworks, they just pass a CookieContainer with the call and it all works OK...which, of course, is of no use to me!


On 22 Jul 2009, at 15:53, Jeff Ortel wrote:


The CookieJar is kept in memory as part of the client object.  Looks like you not reusing the client and that's why you're loosing the cookie (If I follow you correctly).  So, we can do two things:

1) You can cache and reuse the client.  This is encouraged anyway for performance so you're not constantly sax parsing the wsdl.

2) I could add functionality to suds to cache the cookiejar to a file associated with the service location.



Chris Brogan wrote:
Thanks for replying, Jeff. I replied to you last night but via my iPhone so it will have missed out the cc and not gone to the mail list. Sorry!
Further testing has shown that the cooking is set on authentication but isn't being transferred to the subsequent web service as I'll explain using the amended script:
       client = Client('http://ukcolofiniis06/CMSNet/Tools/ToolsWS/AuthenticationService.asmx?WSDL')
       # Ensure new login for debug
       boo = client.service.WhoAmI()
       cj = client.options.transport.cookiejar
       # REF 1 return cj
       client=Client('http://ukcolofiniis06/CMSNet/Time/TimeWS/ActionService.asmx?wsdl',headers= { 'Set-Cookie': 'ASP.NET_SessionId=xhmc4d55weye3onymv32yj20'})
       cj = client.options.transport.cookiejar
       # REF 2 return cj
If I run the above with the REF 1 return uncommented I get some information about a cookie! Thus:
<cookielib.CookieJar[<Cookie ASP.NET_SessionId=xhmc4d55weye3onymv32yj20 for server.local/>, <Cookie UseOfficeXtensionOption=SatelliteDbOnly=N&UseOfficeXtensionOptionState=HIDDEN for server.local/>, <Cookie authCookie=authExpiry=2009-07-22 08:51:58&locale=EN&useOfficeXtension=N&fat=D8F55B5542B2EAAEBA6306D3EDFC4051199BC078CE5AABAF68FE4D5F3C31BA974436003BDF84D7B451F7373234F209BD590C1F7BA11BE51E9A788A6D9157A6F0&wat=&lockOwnerID=bea3b705-b57a-4575-9d8a-a81d5d9ffb30 for server.local/>]>
(I'm hoping that retrieving this is a good thing!)
Now, if I comment this back in and then access the other web service (same server, different folder) and try to get the return from REF 2 then there's nothing there.
Therefore, I need to know how to taken the return from REF 1 and, I guess, add it into REF  2. Any ideas as to how I may go about this?
On 21 Jul 2009, at 18:49, Jeff Ortel wrote:
Hey Chris,

Suds uses the cookielib CookieJar and places returned cookies in the jar and sends all cookies in the jar with outbound messages.  So, not sure why this doesn't work for you. Maybe someone else on the list who's used cookies with suds a little more can help.

Is it possible the user simply doesn't have permission (proper roles) to do what you want?



Chris Brogan wrote:
I have successfully managed to get suds up and running on my Plone instance and can consume a variety of services. However, I'm having trouble with authentication on a collection of services that seem to be .NET-centric and aren't playing nicely.
I'll try to explain this as clearly as possible so, please, bear with me:
Having imported suds and various libraries, the various the following works as expected:
client = Client('http:// <http://ukcolofiniis/>servername/AppNet/Tools/ToolsWS/AuthenticationService.asmx?WSDL')
auth = client.service.Login(username='user',password='pass')
return auth
>>> True
client = Client('http:// <http://ukcolofiniis/>servername/AppNet/Tools/ToolsWS/AuthenticationService.asmx?WSDL')
res = client.service.WhoAmI()
return res
>>> user
So, all is well there...I can successfully connect and log in.
Moving on to the other web services (same server), I can can information about them via:
      client = Client('http:// <http://ukcolofiniis/>servername/AppNet/Tools/ToolsWS/AuthenticationService.asmx?WSDL')
      client = Client('http://u <http://ukcolofiniis/>servername/AppNet/Time/TimeWS/ActionService.asmx?wsdl')                return client
Suds ( https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ )  version: 0.3.6 GA  build: R526-20090624
Service ( ActionService ) tns="http://cmsopen.com/"
 Prefixes (1)
    ns0 = "http://cmsopen.com/"
 Ports (2):
       Methods (2):
          Read(xs:string filter, )
          ReadSingle(xs:string actionCode, )
       Types (3):
       Methods (2):
          Read(xs:string filter, )
          ReadSingle(xs:string actionCode, )
       Types (3):
This provides information relating to the available services and the result is obviously the same with or without the first 3 lines of authenticating code as nothing of any importance is being asked.
However, when I try to do something useful with the services ...eg:
      client = Client('http:// <http://ukcolofiniis/>servername/AppNet/Tools/ToolsWS/AuthenticationService.asmx?WSDL')
      client = Client('http:// <http://ukcolofiniis/>servername/AppNet/Time/TimeWS/ActionService.asmx?wsdl')
      result = client.service.ReadSingle('0NCHG')
      return result
I get authentication errors...
Server raised fault: 'System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Security.SecurityException: Request for principal permission failed. at System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.ThrowSecurityException() at System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.Demand() at System.Security.PermissionSet.DemandNonCAS() at Solution6.Cio.Time.ActionService.ReadSingle(String actionCode) The action that failed was: Demand The type of the first permission that failed was: System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission The first permission that failed was: <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1"> <Identity Authenticated="true" Role="ciouser"/> </IPermission> The demand was for: <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1"> <Identity Authenticated="true" Role="ciouser"/> </IPermission> The assembly or AppDomain that failed was: mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---'
Now, this seems to be because when the AuthenticationService.asmx service is run in a .NET environment (which I know very little about!), the object is attributed with a cookie using CookieContainer which can then get passed into subsequent calls. However, there doesn't seem to be any transparent way to grab this cookie from the various authentication services (they tend to return booleans) so that I can then try to get to grips with trying to pass is to subsequent services so I'm pretty much stuck. Does anyone have any pointers?
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*Chris Brogan*
IT Development Manager
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D: +44 (0)161 837 1844
www.begbies-traynorgroup.com <http://www.begbies-traynorgroup.com>

Chris Brogan
IT Development Manager
Begbies Traynor Group plc
340 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 4LY

T: +44 (0)161 837 1700
F: +44 (0)161 837 1701
D: +44 (0)161 837 1844