Sweet. Adding the mailer to the thread. Thanks Nathan!

On Dec 19, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Nathan Van Gheem wrote:

Hi Joe,

I actually haven't worked on the project for quite a while now. But your question will be better responded to if you use the suds mailing list suds@lists.fedoraproject.org


On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 6:24 PM, Joe Talerico <joe.talerico@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey SUDs Guru's -
       Figure I would come straight to the source instead of asking on the net. Anyway, I am trying to communicate with at SOAP Service, I am importing a WSDL file, then changing the location to point to my SOAP Service Server. SUDs authenticates, but sends two payloads. One with the Authentication, one with the XML playload. I was curious if there is a way to change this functionality and have SUDs send one packet with both the auth and XML. Possibly it is my Python version that is broken and needs looking at? I have dug through the source, and don't see where two packets are sent (using logger). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
