If you have cacheing on (which it is by default) then the wsdl should only be grabbed once when you create the client in the first place... otherwise it would have to be due to network connectivity.

You could always download the wsdl and set the url to something like file:///<path to file>

I've never dabbled with the clone method on the client, but why do you need multiple instances of it anyway?

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Sanjay Bhandari <sanjay@ziffusion.com> wrote:
The wsdl download and parse, seems like, takes a long time. Well, at least for this web service we are trying to consume.

Is it possible to avoid this? We would use Client.clone() but that seems to have it's own problems.

Maybe pickle and then unpickle the object everytime?

Any help would be appreciated.

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