Hi all
I am fairly new to Web Services, but I need to get to grips with it for the
app I am developing.
So far, soaplib-lxml for the server and suds for the client are making it
all seem relatively painless - many thanks!
I have a question regarding Web Services Security (wsse).
>From what I can find out, there are two main sources for this -
1. Web Services Security - Username Token Profile 1.0 - Oasis Standard
200401, March 2004
2. Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security 1.1 (WS-Security 2004) -
Oasis Standard incorporating Approved Errata, 01 November 2006
AFAICT, suds.wsse implements the first of these. However, I am not sure that
it is implemented correctly.
According to the document, there are two mandatory elements - UserName and
Password, and two optional elements - Nonce and Created.
If Nonce and Created are not used, then Password contains the actual
password, sent in the clear.
If Nonce and Created are used, then Password must be constructed as follows
Password_Digest = Base64 ( SHA-1 ( nonce + created + password ) )
This gives a small degree of protection over the password.
It seems to me that suds allows use of Nonce and Created, but still sends
the password in the clear, which rather defeats the object.
Does this sound right, or am I missing something?
Frank Millman