Hi aanno,
I would also like to just mention that when you say the physical space is exhausted, I'm assuming you're referring to alert WS001, correct? We may need to document this a little bit better because this alert just means that all of the space in the pool is fully allocated. This alert specifically pops up when:

1. The pool extends to take up all available physical space (this will not set the warning you are seeing).
2. You fill up the remaining space to the point where only 15 GiB is left.
3. The pool attempts to extend the data device further and determines there is no space left to extend (this is when the warning is set).

Now practically what this means is that when the warning is set, you have 15GiB left of space. If you fill up the 15GiB, the pool will not be able to be extended further to help you out. What I'm mostly curious about is, looking at the space you reported in stratis pool/fs it looks like the physical space on the pool is not full enough to warrant the alert. Is this output after deleting a significant amount of data from the pool? From what I can see, you shouldn't have this alert set unless your usage spiked significantly and went back down. The warning doesn't clear out unless you add more space so the state you're in is not impossible or even unlikely, but it does make me wonder a little bit about your usage pattern. Are you still seeing this instability even with the lower usage you pasted here?

On Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 1:37 PM aanno <aannoaanno@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm using stratis for many years now (for my /home and /opt mount points). It looks like this:

$ stratis pool
Name                         Total / Used / Free    Properties                                   UUID   Alerts
stratis_hdd   1.43 TiB / 819.51 GiB / 645.32 GiB    Ca,~Cr, Op   093c8d42-21b8-46a2-a7e8-5d35f458fa58   WS001

$ stratis fs
Pool          Filesystem   Total / Used / Free / Limit              Created             Device                          UUID
stratis_hdd   home         2 TiB / 708.92 GiB / 1.31 TiB / None     Apr 28 2019 12:29   /dev/stratis/stratis_hdd/home   1715
stratis_hdd   opt          1 TiB / 109.11 GiB / 914.89 GiB / None   Apr 28 2019 12:30   /dev/stratis/stratis_hdd/opt    fb19

$ stratis blockdev
Pool Name     Device Node   Physical Size    Tier   UUID                                 
stratis_hdd   /dev/dm-6        292.95 GiB   CACHE   770d0190-c17b-4349-a9f9-0968036e6b2c
stratis_hdd   /dev/dm-7          1.43 TiB    DATA   9a5b1c4d-8014-4155-990e-eedfd27803a6

However, since a few weeks my /home has become unstable. Newly created (or altered) files are (sometimes) corrupted after a reboot of the system.

For both mount points I'm using a SSD cache in front of a HDD. It feels a bit like the caching layer is all right, but the HDD layer is on error (exhausted?). For me, it looks like that would explain the observed behaviour.

I wonder if

* I could somehow 'disable' (or remove) the SSD caching layer?
* I could get some debug informations?

Kind regards,


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Principal Software Engineer, Stratis team