
I'm using stratis for many years now (for my /home and /opt mount points). It looks like this:

$ stratis pool
Name                         Total / Used / Free    Properties                                   UUID   Alerts
stratis_hdd   1.43 TiB / 819.51 GiB / 645.32 GiB    Ca,~Cr, Op   093c8d42-21b8-46a2-a7e8-5d35f458fa58   WS001

$ stratis fs
Pool          Filesystem   Total / Used / Free / Limit              Created             Device                          UUID
stratis_hdd   home         2 TiB / 708.92 GiB / 1.31 TiB / None     Apr 28 2019 12:29   /dev/stratis/stratis_hdd/home   1715
stratis_hdd   opt          1 TiB / 109.11 GiB / 914.89 GiB / None   Apr 28 2019 12:30   /dev/stratis/stratis_hdd/opt    fb19

$ stratis blockdev
Pool Name     Device Node   Physical Size    Tier   UUID                                 
stratis_hdd   /dev/dm-6        292.95 GiB   CACHE   770d0190-c17b-4349-a9f9-0968036e6b2c
stratis_hdd   /dev/dm-7          1.43 TiB    DATA   9a5b1c4d-8014-4155-990e-eedfd27803a6

However, since a few weeks my /home has become unstable. Newly created (or altered) files are (sometimes) corrupted after a reboot of the system.

For both mount points I'm using a SSD cache in front of a HDD. It feels a bit like the caching layer is all right, but the HDD layer is on error (exhausted?). For me, it looks like that would explain the observed behaviour.

I wonder if

* I could somehow 'disable' (or remove) the SSD caching layer?
* I could get some debug informations?

Kind regards,
