# SSSD 2.5.0
The SSSD team is proud to announce the release of version 2.5.0 of the System Security Services Daemon. The tarball can be downloaded from: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/releases/tag/2.5.0
See the full release notes at: https://sssd.io/release-notes/sssd-2.5.0.html
RPM packages will be made available for Fedora shortly.
## Feedback
Please provide comments, bugs and other feedback via the sssd-devel or sssd-users mailing lists: https://lists.fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/sssd-devel https://lists.fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/sssd-users
## Highlights
### General information
* `secrets` support is deprecated and will be removed in one of the next versions of SSSD. * `local-provider` is deprecated and will be removed in one of the next versions of SSSD. * SSSD's implementation of `libwbclient` was removed as incompatible with modern version of Samba. * This release deprecates `pcre1` support. This support will be removed completely in following releases. * A home directory from a dedicated user override, either local or centrally managed by IPA, will have a higher precedence than the `override_homedir` option. * `debug-to-files`, `debug-to-stderr` command line and undocumented `debug_to_files` config options were removed.
### New features
* Added support for automatic renewal of renewable TGTs that are stored in KCM ccache. This can be enabled by setting `tgt_renewal = true`. See the sssd-kcm man page for more details. This feature requires MIT Kerberos krb5-1.19-0.beta2.3 or higher. * Backround sudo periodic tasks (smart and full refresh) periods are now extended by a random offset to spread the load on the server in environments with many clients. The random offset can be changed with `ldap_sudo_random_offset`. * Completing a sudo full refresh now postpones the smart refresh by `ldap_sudo_smart_refresh_interval` value. This ensure that the smart refresh is not run too soon after a successful full refresh. * If `debug_backtrace_enabled` is set to `true` then on any error all prior debug messages (to some limit) are printed even if `debug_level` is set to low value (for details see `man sssd.conf`: `debug_backtrace_enabled` description). * Besides trusted domains known by the forest root, trusted domains known by the local domain are used as well. * New configuration option `offline_timeout_random_offset` to control random factor in backend probing interval when SSSD is in offline mode.
### Important fixes
* `ad_gpo_implicit_deny` is now respected even if there are no applicable GPOs present * During the IPA subdomains request a failure in reading a single specific configuration option is not considered fatal and the request will continue * unknown IPA id-range types are not considered as an error * SSSD spec file `%postun` no longer tries to restart services that can not be restarted directly to stop produce systemd warnings
### Configuration changes
* Added `tgt_renewal`, `tgt_renewal_inherit`, and `krb5_*` KCM options to enable, and tune behavior of new KCM renewal feature. * Added `ldap_sudo_random_offset` (default to `30`) to add a random offset to backround sudo periodic tasks (smart and full refresh). * Introduced new option 'debug_backtrace_enabled' to control debug backtrace. * Added `offline_timeout_random_offset` configuration option to control maximum size of random offset added to offline timeout SSSD backend probing interval. * Long time deprecated and undocumented `debug_to_files` option was removed.
I decided to test new sssd/KCM and this is what I get:
- ssh from non sssd/krb machine to new sssd machine, entered password ~ $ klist Ticket cache: KCM:1001 Default principal: jocke@INFINERA.COM
Valid starting Expires Service principal 10/05/21 16:47:32 11/05/21 02:47:32 krbtgt/INFINERA.COM@INFINERA.COM renew until 17/05/21 16:47:32 ~ $ ksu ksu: Ccache function not supported: not implemented while selecting the best principal
I also have mit-kr5b master installed.
Did I miss something?
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 15:49 +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
# SSSD 2.5.0
The SSSD team is proud to announce the release of version 2.5.0 of the System Security Services Daemon. The tarball can be downloaded from: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com...
See the full release notes at: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsssd.io%2F...
RPM packages will be made available for Fedora shortly.
## Feedback
Please provide comments, bugs and other feedback via the sssd-devel or sssd-users mailing lists: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.fedo... https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.fedo...
## Highlights
### General information
- `secrets` support is deprecated and will be removed in one of the next
versions of SSSD.
- `local-provider` is deprecated and will be removed in one of the next
versions of SSSD.
- SSSD's implementation of `libwbclient` was removed as incompatible
with modern version of Samba.
- This release deprecates `pcre1` support. This support will be removed
completely in following releases.
- A home directory from a dedicated user override, either local or
centrally managed by IPA, will have a higher precedence than the `override_homedir` option.
- `debug-to-files`, `debug-to-stderr` command line and undocumented
`debug_to_files` config options were removed.
### New features
- Added support for automatic renewal of renewable TGTs that are stored
in KCM ccache. This can be enabled by setting `tgt_renewal = true`. See the sssd-kcm man page for more details. This feature requires MIT Kerberos krb5-1.19-0.beta2.3 or higher.
- Backround sudo periodic tasks (smart and full refresh) periods are now
extended by a random offset to spread the load on the server in environments with many clients. The random offset can be changed with `ldap_sudo_random_offset`.
- Completing a sudo full refresh now postpones the smart refresh by
`ldap_sudo_smart_refresh_interval` value. This ensure that the smart refresh is not run too soon after a successful full refresh.
- If `debug_backtrace_enabled` is set to `true` then on any error all
prior debug messages (to some limit) are printed even if `debug_level` is set to low value (for details see `man sssd.conf`: `debug_backtrace_enabled` description).
- Besides trusted domains known by the forest root, trusted domains
known by the local domain are used as well.
- New configuration option `offline_timeout_random_offset` to control
random factor in backend probing interval when SSSD is in offline mode.
### Important fixes
- `ad_gpo_implicit_deny` is now respected even if there are no
applicable GPOs present
- During the IPA subdomains request a failure in reading a single
specific configuration option is not considered fatal and the request will continue
- unknown IPA id-range types are not considered as an error
- SSSD spec file `%postun` no longer tries to restart services that can
not be restarted directly to stop produce systemd warnings
### Configuration changes
- Added `tgt_renewal`, `tgt_renewal_inherit`, and `krb5_*` KCM options
to enable, and tune behavior of new KCM renewal feature.
- Added `ldap_sudo_random_offset` (default to `30`) to add a random
offset to backround sudo periodic tasks (smart and full refresh).
- Introduced new option 'debug_backtrace_enabled' to control debug
- Added `offline_timeout_random_offset` configuration option to control
maximum size of random offset added to offline timeout SSSD backend probing interval.
- Long time deprecated and undocumented `debug_to_files` option was removed.
sssd-users mailing list -- sssd-users@lists.fedorahosted.org To unsubscribe send an email to sssd-users-leave@lists.fedorahosted.org Fedora Code of Conduct: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.fedor... List Guidelines: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffedoraproj... List Archives: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.fedo... Do not reply to spam on the list, report it: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpagure.io%...
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 14:53 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
I decided to test new sssd/KCM and this is what I get:
- ssh from non sssd/krb machine to new sssd machine, entered password
~ $ klist Ticket cache: KCM:1001 Default principal: jocke@INFINERA.COM
Valid starting Expires Service principal 10/05/21 16:47:32 11/05/21 02:47:32 krbtgt/INFINERA.COM@INFINERA.COM renew until 17/05/21 16:47:32 ~ $ ksu ksu: Ccache function not supported: not implemented while selecting the best principal
I also have mit-kr5b master installed.
Did I miss something?
Get a KCM trace for ksu:
(2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [get_client_cred] (0x4000): Client [0x56377e20ead0][14] creds: euid[1001] egid[100] pid[5871] cmd_line['ksu']. (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [get_client_cred] (0x0080): The following failure is expected to happen in case SELinux is disabled: SELINUX_getpeercon failed [95][Operation not supported]. Please, consider enabling SELinux in your system. (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [setup_client_idle_timer] (0x4000): Idle timer re-set for client [0x56377e20ead0][14] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [accept_fd_handler] (0x0400): Client [0x56377e20ead0][14] connected! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_input_parse] (0x1000): Received message with length 4 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_get_opt] (0x2000): The client requested operation 20 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_DEFAULT_CACHE (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x1000): 0 bytes on KCM input (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x0200): Adding request by 1001 to the wait queue (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_get] (0x1000): No existing queue for this ID (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x1000): Queue was empty, running the request immediately (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_get_default_ccache_send] (0x1000): Getting client's default ccache (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_get_default_send] (0x2000): Getting the default ccache (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/default] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/default] is [cn=default,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/default (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_dfl_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/default (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x0400): Retrieving a secret from [persistent/1001/default] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=default,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=base (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x1000): No secret found (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sec_get] (0x0040): Cannot retrieve the secret [2]: No such file or directory (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_list_send] (0x2000): Listing all ccaches (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/] is [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_container_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x0400): Listing keys at [persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=subtree (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_dn_to_path] (0x2000): Secrets path for [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] is [5005e896- bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x1000): Returning 1 secrets (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_list_send] (0x2000): Found 1 ccaches (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_list_send] (0x2000): Listing all caches done (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_name_by_uuid_send] (0x2000): Translating UUID to name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/] is [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_container_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x0400): Listing keys at [persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=subtree (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_dn_to_path] (0x2000): Secrets path for [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] is [5005e896- bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x1000): Returning 1 secrets (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [key_by_uuid] (0x2000): Found key 5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_name_by_uuid_send] (0x2000): Got ccache by UUID (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_get_default_ccache_reply_step] (0x2000): The default ccache is 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_done] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_DEFAULT_CACHE returned [0]: Success (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send_reply] (0x2000): Sending a reply (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_output_construct] (0x1000): Sending a reply with 9 bytes of payload (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [queue_removal_cb] (0x0200): Removed queue for 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send] (0x2000): All data sent! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_input_parse] (0x1000): Received message with length 9 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_get_opt] (0x2000): The client requested operation 8 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x1000): 5 bytes on KCM input (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x0200): Adding request by 1001 to the wait queue (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_get] (0x1000): No existing queue for this ID (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x1000): Queue was empty, running the request immediately (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_get_principal_send] (0x1000): Requested principal 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Getting ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/] is [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_container_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x0400): Listing keys at [persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=subtree (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_dn_to_path] (0x2000): Secrets path for [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] is [5005e896- bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x1000): Returning 1 secrets (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [key_by_name] (0x2000): Found key 5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] is [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11- eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_key_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x0400): Retrieving a secret from [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b- 1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=base (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_get_cc] (0x2000): Fetched the ccache (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Got ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_done] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL returned [0]: Success (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send_reply] (0x2000): Sending a reply (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_output_construct] (0x1000): Sending a reply with 37 bytes of payload (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [queue_removal_cb] (0x0200): Removed queue for 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send] (0x2000): All data sent! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_input_parse] (0x1000): Received message with length 9 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_get_opt] (0x2000): The client requested operation 8 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x1000): 5 bytes on KCM input (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x0200): Adding request by 1001 to the wait queue (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_get] (0x1000): No existing queue for this ID (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x1000): Queue was empty, running the request immediately (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_get_principal_send] (0x1000): Requested principal 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Getting ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/] is [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_container_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x0400): Listing keys at [persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=subtree (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_dn_to_path] (0x2000): Secrets path for [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] is [5005e896- bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x1000): Returning 1 secrets (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [key_by_name] (0x2000): Found key 5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] is [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11- eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_key_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x0400): Retrieving a secret from [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b- 1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=base (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_get_cc] (0x2000): Fetched the ccache (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Got ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_done] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL returned [0]: Success (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send_reply] (0x2000): Sending a reply (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_output_construct] (0x1000): Sending a reply with 37 bytes of payload (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [queue_removal_cb] (0x0200): Removed queue for 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send] (0x2000): All data sent! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_input_parse] (0x1000): Received message with length 9 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_get_opt] (0x2000): The client requested operation 8 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x1000): 5 bytes on KCM input (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x0200): Adding request by 1001 to the wait queue (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_get] (0x1000): No existing queue for this ID (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x1000): Queue was empty, running the request immediately (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_get_principal_send] (0x1000): Requested principal 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Getting ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/] is [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_container_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x0400): Listing keys at [persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=subtree (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_dn_to_path] (0x2000): Secrets path for [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] is [5005e896- bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x1000): Returning 1 secrets (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [key_by_name] (0x2000): Found key 5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] is [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11- eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_key_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x0400): Retrieving a secret from [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b- 1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=base (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_get_cc] (0x2000): Fetched the ccache (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Got ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_done] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL returned [0]: Success (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send_reply] (0x2000): Sending a reply (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_output_construct] (0x1000): Sending a reply with 37 bytes of payload (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [queue_removal_cb] (0x0200): Removed queue for 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send] (0x2000): All data sent! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_input_parse] (0x1000): Received message with length 132 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_get_opt] (0x2000): The client requested operation 7 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0400): KCM operation RETRIEVE (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x1000): 128 bytes on KCM input (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0020): KCM op RETRIEVE has no handler (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_request_done] (0x0040): KCM operation failed [1432158292]: KCM operation not implemented (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_reply_error] (0x0040): KCM operation returns failure [1432158292]: KCM operation not implemented (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_failbuf_construct] (0x1000): Sent reply with error -1765328137 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send] (0x2000): All data sent! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_recv] (0x4000): Client closed connection. (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [client_close_fn] (0x2000): Terminated client [0x56377e20ead0][14]
On 5/10/21 5:12 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 14:53 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
I decided to test new sssd/KCM and this is what I get:
- ssh from non sssd/krb machine to new sssd machine, entered password
~ $ klist Ticket cache: KCM:1001 Default principal: jocke@INFINERA.COM
Valid starting Expires Service principal 10/05/21 16:47:32 11/05/21 02:47:32 krbtgt/INFINERA.COM@INFINERA.COM renew until 17/05/21 16:47:32 ~ $ ksu ksu: Ccache function not supported: not implemented while selecting the best principal
I also have mit-kr5b master installed.
Did I miss something?
krb5 master contains: https://github.com/krb5/krb5/commit/795ebba8c039be172ab93cd41105c73ffdba0fdb
but RETRIEVE is not implemented in sssd-kcm. Kerberos should fallback to its own function that was used before this commit.
Get a KCM trace for ksu:
(2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [get_client_cred] (0x4000): Client [0x56377e20ead0][14] creds: euid[1001] egid[100] pid[5871] cmd_line['ksu']. (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [get_client_cred] (0x0080): The following failure is expected to happen in case SELinux is disabled: SELINUX_getpeercon failed [95][Operation not supported]. Please, consider enabling SELinux in your system. (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [setup_client_idle_timer] (0x4000): Idle timer re-set for client [0x56377e20ead0][14] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [accept_fd_handler] (0x0400): Client [0x56377e20ead0][14] connected! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_input_parse] (0x1000): Received message with length 4 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_get_opt] (0x2000): The client requested operation 20 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_DEFAULT_CACHE (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x1000): 0 bytes on KCM input (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x0200): Adding request by 1001 to the wait queue (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_get] (0x1000): No existing queue for this ID (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x1000): Queue was empty, running the request immediately (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_get_default_ccache_send] (0x1000): Getting client's default ccache (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_get_default_send] (0x2000): Getting the default ccache (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/default] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/default] is [cn=default,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/default (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_dfl_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/default (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x0400): Retrieving a secret from [persistent/1001/default] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=default,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=base (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x1000): No secret found (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sec_get] (0x0040): Cannot retrieve the secret [2]: No such file or directory (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_list_send] (0x2000): Listing all ccaches (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/] is [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_container_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x0400): Listing keys at [persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=subtree (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_dn_to_path] (0x2000): Secrets path for [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] is [5005e896- bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x1000): Returning 1 secrets (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_list_send] (0x2000): Found 1 ccaches (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_list_send] (0x2000): Listing all caches done (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_name_by_uuid_send] (0x2000): Translating UUID to name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/] is [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_container_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x0400): Listing keys at [persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=subtree (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_dn_to_path] (0x2000): Secrets path for [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] is [5005e896- bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x1000): Returning 1 secrets (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [key_by_uuid] (0x2000): Found key 5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_name_by_uuid_send] (0x2000): Got ccache by UUID (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_get_default_ccache_reply_step] (0x2000): The default ccache is 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_done] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_DEFAULT_CACHE returned [0]: Success (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send_reply] (0x2000): Sending a reply (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_output_construct] (0x1000): Sending a reply with 9 bytes of payload (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [queue_removal_cb] (0x0200): Removed queue for 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send] (0x2000): All data sent! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_input_parse] (0x1000): Received message with length 9 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_get_opt] (0x2000): The client requested operation 8 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x1000): 5 bytes on KCM input (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x0200): Adding request by 1001 to the wait queue (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_get] (0x1000): No existing queue for this ID (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x1000): Queue was empty, running the request immediately (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_get_principal_send] (0x1000): Requested principal 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Getting ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/] is [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_container_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x0400): Listing keys at [persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=subtree (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_dn_to_path] (0x2000): Secrets path for [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] is [5005e896- bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x1000): Returning 1 secrets (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [key_by_name] (0x2000): Found key 5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] is [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11- eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_key_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x0400): Retrieving a secret from [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b- 1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=base (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_get_cc] (0x2000): Fetched the ccache (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Got ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_done] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL returned [0]: Success (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send_reply] (0x2000): Sending a reply (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_output_construct] (0x1000): Sending a reply with 37 bytes of payload (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [queue_removal_cb] (0x0200): Removed queue for 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send] (0x2000): All data sent! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_input_parse] (0x1000): Received message with length 9 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_get_opt] (0x2000): The client requested operation 8 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x1000): 5 bytes on KCM input (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x0200): Adding request by 1001 to the wait queue (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_get] (0x1000): No existing queue for this ID (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x1000): Queue was empty, running the request immediately (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_get_principal_send] (0x1000): Requested principal 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Getting ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/] is [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_container_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x0400): Listing keys at [persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=subtree (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_dn_to_path] (0x2000): Secrets path for [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] is [5005e896- bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x1000): Returning 1 secrets (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [key_by_name] (0x2000): Found key 5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] is [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11- eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_key_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x0400): Retrieving a secret from [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b- 1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=base (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_get_cc] (0x2000): Fetched the ccache (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Got ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_done] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL returned [0]: Success (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send_reply] (0x2000): Sending a reply (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_output_construct] (0x1000): Sending a reply with 37 bytes of payload (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [queue_removal_cb] (0x0200): Removed queue for 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send] (0x2000): All data sent! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_input_parse] (0x1000): Received message with length 9 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_get_opt] (0x2000): The client requested operation 8 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x1000): 5 bytes on KCM input (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x0200): Adding request by 1001 to the wait queue (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_get] (0x1000): No existing queue for this ID (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_queue_send] (0x1000): Queue was empty, running the request immediately (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_op_get_principal_send] (0x1000): Requested principal 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Getting ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/] is [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_container_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x0400): Listing keys at [persistent/1001/ccache/] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=subtree (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_dn_to_path] (0x2000): Secrets path for [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] is [5005e896- bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_list] (0x1000): Returning 1 secrets (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [key_by_name] (0x2000): Found key 5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_map_path] (0x1000): Mapping prefix /kcm/ (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_map_url_to_path] (0x1000): User-specific KCM path is [/kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [local_db_dn] (0x2000): Local path for [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] is [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11- eedacad1fa5b-1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_new_req] (0x1000): Local DB path is persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_url_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_cc_key_req] (0x2000): Created request for URL /kcm/persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x0400): Retrieving a secret from [persistent/1001/ccache/5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b-1001] (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [sss_sec_get] (0x2000): Searching for [(|(type=simple)(type=binary))] at [cn=5005e896-bdfb-4116-8a11-eedacad1fa5b- 1001,cn=ccache,cn=1001,cn=persistent,cn=kcm] with scope=base (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [secdb_get_cc] (0x2000): Fetched the ccache (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [ccdb_secdb_getbyname_send] (0x2000): Got ccache by name (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_done] (0x0400): KCM operation GET_PRINCIPAL returned [0]: Success (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send_reply] (0x2000): Sending a reply (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_output_construct] (0x1000): Sending a reply with 37 bytes of payload (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [queue_removal_cb] (0x0200): Removed queue for 1001 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send] (0x2000): All data sent! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_input_parse] (0x1000): Received message with length 132 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_get_opt] (0x2000): The client requested operation 7 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0400): KCM operation RETRIEVE (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x1000): 128 bytes on KCM input (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_send] (0x0020): KCM op RETRIEVE has no handler (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_cmd_request_done] (0x0040): KCM operation failed [1432158292]: KCM operation not implemented (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_reply_error] (0x0040): KCM operation returns failure [1432158292]: KCM operation not implemented (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_failbuf_construct] (0x1000): Sent reply with error -1765328137 (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_send] (0x2000): All data sent! (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [kcm_recv] (0x4000): Client closed connection. (2021-05-10 17:09:47): [kcm] [client_close_fn] (0x2000): Terminated client [0x56377e20ead0][14]
sssd-users mailing list -- sssd-users@lists.fedorahosted.org To unsubscribe send an email to sssd-users-leave@lists.fedorahosted.org Fedora Code of Conduct: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/ List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines List Archives: https://lists.fedorahosted.org/archives/list/sssd-users@lists.fedorahosted.o... Do not reply to spam on the list, report it: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 17:48 +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 5/10/21 5:12 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 14:53 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
I decided to test new sssd/KCM and this is what I get:
- ssh from non sssd/krb machine to new sssd machine, entered password
~ $ klist Ticket cache: KCM:1001 Default principal: jocke@INFINERA.COM
Valid starting Expires Service principal 10/05/21 16:47:32 11/05/21 02:47:32 krbtgt/INFINERA.COM@INFINERA.COM renew until 17/05/21 16:47:32 ~ $ ksu ksu: Ccache function not supported: not implemented while selecting the best principal
I also have mit-kr5b master installed.
Did I miss something?
krb5 master contains: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com...
but RETRIEVE is not implemented in sssd-kcm. Kerberos should fallback to its own function that was used before this commit.
hmm, not sure what to do here, downgrade mit-krb5? Then I don't get the new KCM feature. The trace didn't help any? Here is a ssh trace in case that helps:
KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stdout ssh devsrv [7615] 1620662408.437070: ccselect module realm chose cache KCM:1001 with client principal jocke@INFINERA.COM for server principal host/devsrv.infinera.com@INFINERA.COM [7615] 1620662408.437071: Getting credentials jocke@INFINERA.COM -> host/devsrv.infinera.com@INFINERA.COM using ccache KCM:1001 [7615] 1620662408.437072: Retrieving jocke@INFINERA.COM -> krb5_ccache_conf_data/start_realm@X-CACHECONF: from KCM:1001 with result: -1765328137/Ccache function not supported: not implemented [7615] 1620662408.437073: Retrieving jocke@INFINERA.COM -> host/devsrv.infinera.com@INFINERA.COM from KCM:1001 with result: -1765328137/Ccache function not supported: not implemented [7615] 1620662408.437079: ccselect module realm chose cache KCM:1001 with client principal jocke@INFINERA.COM for server principal host/devsrv.infinera.com@INFINERA.COM [7615] 1620662408.437080: Getting credentials jocke@INFINERA.COM -> host/devsrv.infinera.com@INFINERA.COM using ccache KCM:1001 [7615] 1620662408.437081: Retrieving jocke@INFINERA.COM -> krb5_ccache_conf_data/start_realm@X-CACHECONF: from KCM:1001 with result: -1765328137/Ccache function not supported: not implemented [7615] 1620662408.437082: Retrieving jocke@INFINERA.COM -> host/devsrv.infinera.com@INFINERA.COM from KCM:1001 with result: -1765328137/Ccache function not supported: not implemented (jocke@devsrv) Password:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 16:01 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 17:48 +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 5/10/21 5:12 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 14:53 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
I decided to test new sssd/KCM and this is what I get:
- ssh from non sssd/krb machine to new sssd machine, entered password
~ $ klist Ticket cache: KCM:1001 Default principal: jocke@INFINERA.COM
Valid starting Expires Service principal 10/05/21 16:47:32 11/05/21 02:47:32 krbtgt/INFINERA.COM@INFINERA.COM renew until 17/05/21 16:47:32 ~ $ ksu ksu: Ccache function not supported: not implemented while selecting the best principal
I also have mit-kr5b master installed.
Did I miss something?
krb5 master contains: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com...
but RETRIEVE is not implemented in sssd-kcm. Kerberos should fallback to its own function that was used before this commit.
FYI, reverting that commit makes it work.
On 5/10/21 8:10 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 16:01 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 17:48 +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 5/10/21 5:12 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 14:53 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
I decided to test new sssd/KCM and this is what I get:
- ssh from non sssd/krb machine to new sssd machine, entered password
~ $ klist Ticket cache: KCM:1001 Default principal: jocke@INFINERA.COM
Valid starting Expires Service principal 10/05/21 16:47:32 11/05/21 02:47:32 krbtgt/INFINERA.COM@INFINERA.COM renew until 17/05/21 16:47:32 ~ $ ksu ksu: Ccache function not supported: not implemented while selecting the best principal
I also have mit-kr5b master installed.
Did I miss something?
krb5 master contains: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com...
but RETRIEVE is not implemented in sssd-kcm. Kerberos should fallback to its own function that was used before this commit.
FYI, reverting that commit makes it work.
Thanks for the information. Please, open a ticket against krb5.
On Tue, 2021-05-11 at 10:25 +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 5/10/21 8:10 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 16:01 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 17:48 +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 5/10/21 5:12 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 14:53 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
I decided to test new sssd/KCM and this is what I get:
- ssh from non sssd/krb machine to new sssd machine, entered password
~ $ klist Ticket cache: KCM:1001 Default principal: jocke@INFINERA.COM
Valid starting Expires Service principal 10/05/21 16:47:32 11/05/21 02:47:32 krbtgt/INFINERA.COM@INFINERA.COM renew until 17/05/21 16:47:32 ~ $ ksu ksu: Ccache function not supported: not implemented while selecting the best principal
I also have mit-kr5b master installed.
Did I miss something?
krb5 master contains: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com...
but RETRIEVE is not implemented in sssd-kcm. Kerberos should fallback to its own function that was used before this commit.
FYI, reverting that commit makes it work.
Thanks for the information. Please, open a ticket against krb5.
Easier said than done. I could not find an issue tracker for mit-krb5, is there one? Found a bug email list I mailed but not sure it will get through(I am not joining yet another list just to report a bug)
On Tue, 2021-05-11 at 11:09 +0200, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Tue, 2021-05-11 at 10:25 +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 5/10/21 8:10 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 16:01 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 17:48 +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 5/10/21 5:12 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 14:53 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote: > I decided to test new sssd/KCM and this is what I get: > > - ssh from non sssd/krb machine to new sssd machine, entered password > ~ $ klist > Ticket cache: KCM:1001 > Default principal: jocke@INFINERA.COM > > Valid starting Expires Service principal > 10/05/21 16:47:32 11/05/21 02:47:32 krbtgt/INFINERA.COM@INFINERA.COM > renew until 17/05/21 16:47:32 > ~ $ ksu > ksu: Ccache function not supported: not implemented while selecting the best principal > > I also have mit-kr5b master installed. > > Did I miss something?
krb5 master contains: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com...
but RETRIEVE is not implemented in sssd-kcm. Kerberos should fallback to its own function that was used before this commit.
FYI, reverting that commit makes it work.
Thanks for the information. Please, open a ticket against krb5.
Easier said than done. I could not find an issue tracker for mit-krb5, is there one? Found a bug email list I mailed but not sure it will get through(I am not joining yet another list just to report a bug)
Managed to add a comment here: https://github.com/krb5/krb5/pull/1178
On (11/05/21 09:18), Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Tue, 2021-05-11 at 11:09 +0200, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Tue, 2021-05-11 at 10:25 +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 5/10/21 8:10 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 16:01 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 17:48 +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 5/10/21 5:12 PM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote: > On Mon, 2021-05-10 at 14:53 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote: > > I decided to test new sssd/KCM and this is what I get: > > > > - ssh from non sssd/krb machine to new sssd machine, entered password > > ~ $ klist > > Ticket cache: KCM:1001 > > Default principal: jocke@INFINERA.COM > > > > Valid starting Expires Service principal > > 10/05/21 16:47:32 11/05/21 02:47:32 krbtgt/INFINERA.COM@INFINERA.COM > > renew until 17/05/21 16:47:32 > > ~ $ ksu > > ksu: Ccache function not supported: not implemented while selecting the best principal > > > > I also have mit-kr5b master installed. > > > > Did I miss something?
krb5 master contains: https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com...
but RETRIEVE is not implemented in sssd-kcm. Kerberos should fallback to its own function that was used before this commit.
FYI, reverting that commit makes it work.
Thanks for the information. Please, open a ticket against krb5.
Easier said than done. I could not find an issue tracker for mit-krb5, is there one? Found a bug email list I mailed but not sure it will get through(I am not joining yet another list just to report a bug)
Managed to add a comment here: https://github.com/krb5/krb5/pull/1178
README says you need to send an email